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The System of Youth Protection in the Media as Seen from the Perspective of the 'end users'

Presentation by Niels Brüggen at the 3rd Meeting of the Youth Protection Roundtable

The presentation focusses on the problems that the system for youth protection in the media poses for 'end users'. Central findings of the part of the evaluation of the German system for youth protection in the media conducted by the JFF are being highlighted.

The study confirms anew: Youth Protection in the Media receives a high level of acceptance. Hardly anyone doubts its necessity; neither parents nor people working in educational fields, nor adolescents. But: Acceptance of the necessity, and acting adequately to ensure youth protection in everyday life are two different things.

The presentation was held by Niels Brüggen at the 3rd meeting of the EU-funded expert group "Youth Protection Roundtable” in May 2008.



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mit der Geschäftsstelle:

JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

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Arnulfstr. 205
80634 München

+49 89 68 989 0
+49 89 68 989 111


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+49  89 12 665 324
mzm@jff .de

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