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2019 | Praxis | Forschung

Positioning game - Statements and questions about the handling of personal data on the Social Web

As part of the training material for digital youthwork this method focusses on fostering discussions among young people about their ways to handle personal information online.

Positioning game- Statements and questions about the handling of personal data on the Social Web

The aim of this method is that

  • Young people position themselves on various statements and questions about the handling of personal data on the Social Web
  • Young people argue their own opinions and deal with the arguments of others.

The Positioning Game is a low-threshold method to stimulate discussion about the use and processing of personal information on the Social Web. The focus is on individual positioning and joint discussion of privacy and data protection issues. It is important that it is not a matter of judging a particular position. It is not about right or wrong, but about initiating reflection processes together. While the young people, as experts, talk about their own dealings with the media and make their attitudes clear, the youth workers play a moderating role.

If questions arise during the implementation that cannot be answered, these can be assigned to the young people as research tasks and then worked out at the end of the method or in a follow-up session.



Creative Commons License
Positioning game by JFF - Institute for Media Research and Media Education was developed in the project "Digitally Agile Youth Work" with funding from Erasmus+ and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


For more training materials visit:



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Rechnungsadresse: JFF – Jugend Film Fernsehen e. V.

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JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

Ansprechpersonen im Sekretariat: Krisztina Bradeanu und Anja Parusel

Arnulfstr. 205
80634 München

+49 89 68 989 0
+49 89 68 989 111


Institutionell gefördert durch

MZM – Medienzentrum München des JFF

Ansprechperson Sekretariat: Jana Platil und Anja Parusel

Rupprechtstr. 29
80636 München

+49 89 12 665 30 oder +49 89 125012711
+49  89 12 665 324
mzm@jff .de

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Willy-Brandt-Platz 3
86153 Augsburg

+49 821 32 429 09

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Braunschweiger Str. 8
12055 Berlin

+49 30 87 337 952

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