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2013 | Forschung

Identity Formation and the Construction of Social Space in Media Practices on Social Networking Services

Social networking services not only offer adolescents content landmarks, they also provide structures for exchanging ideas with others and they open up new possibilities to present oneself, e.g. in the creation and publishing of their own works. In the context of this modified framework of media practices, the study attempts to outline, in what way adolescents appropriate these new media worlds and how, as a consequence, the relevance of these media structures and the content dealt with therein is changing the context of identity formation.


The study focused on the following research questions:

  • How do adolescents appropriate social networking services?
  • In what way are online media practices and identity formation interconnected?
  • What is the role of the media framing for media practices relevant to identity formation?
  • What challenges are the subjects facing in their identity formation within mediatized social spaces?


The summary of the Study “Identity Formation and the Construction of Social Space in Media Practices on Social Networking Services” as part of the research project “The Internet as a Reception and Presentation Platform for Adolescents” can be downloaded here:

Wagner, Ulrike; Brüggen, Niels; Gerlicher, Peter; Schemmerling, Mareike; Gebel, Christa (2013): Identity Formation and the Construction of Social Space in Media Practices on Social Networking Services. Summary of the Study. Part of the research project “The Internet as a Reception and Presentation Platform for Adolescents” commissioned by the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien, BLM). Munich.


A complete presentation of the study’s results can be found in the following publication:

Wagner, Ulrike; Brüggen, Niels (Ed.) (2013): Teilen, vernetzen, liken. Jugend zwischen Eigensinn und Anpassung im Social Web. Baden-Baden: Nomos (BLM-Schriftenreihe Band 101).


For further information on the study, please refer to Identitätsarbeit und sozialraumbezogenes Medienhandeln in Sozialen Netzwerkdiensten (German only).


For further information about the JFF in english, please refer to the information site 'the JFF'.




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JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis

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Arnulfstr. 205
80634 München

+49 89 68 989 0
+49 89 68 989 111


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80636 München

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mzm@jff .de

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