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2019 | Praxis | Forschung

A youth work matrix of risks related to online-usage and digitalization

As part of the training material for digital youthwork this method focusses on knowledge of potential risks, as well as of ways to contain risks at an individual or collective level, as an essential area of competence for youth workers.

A youth work matrix of risks related to online-usage and digitalization

Online-services hold, besides many opportunities for the users, also a number of risks and hazards, which can become relevant for individuals but also for whole societies. Some risks can be avoided by individuals. Other risks can hardly be solved on an individual level - or rather each individual would be overtaxed if they were held individually responsible.

Knowledge of potential risks, as well as of ways to contain risks at an individual or collective level, is thus also an essential area of educational work with children and adolescents. Accordingly, "Safety" is also a separate area among the training needs in the report of the EU expert group "Developing digital youth work". This method represents a contribution to this area. 

Download: A youth work matrix of risks related to online-usage and digitalization


    Creative Commons License
    A youth work matrix of risks related to online-usage and digitalization by JFF - Institute for Media Research and Media Education was developed in the project "Digitally Agile Youth Work" with funding from Erasmus+ and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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